Friday, January 4, 2008

Great Persians

, the only inheritor of PERSIA'S EMPIRE and territory of people with more than 7,000 years of great civilization; Now after this long period of time, it's still IRANIANS pride.
But in these prides, there are a lot of things that we have never heard of or we wrongly thought they were innovations of the WEST. Bellow are just a few of things about Persians Culture, Civilization, and Innovations:

1. The first humans that invented "Sewage System" were Persians.

2. Initial use of Metals Fuse in the world were by Persians in a city called "Silck" near the present KASHAN.

3. The first humans that invented "Coin" in order to trade and also started to Coinage of money were Persians.

4. The first World's "Cavalry Army" innovated by "Iranian Sam" with 115 soldiers.

5. The first Governmental Employment System was established by CYRUS the great and the employs and employees worked for 40 years; and after that, in retirement, they received
"Retirement Salary" and they became "Life Insured".

6. Cyrus the great originated a plan which according to that, all people in all territories were obliged to "learn Literacy free of charge". He was thought that the King can built and developed the country, just when people of that country have enough literacy and intelligence.

7. The Present Calendar (30 Days Month) was made by DARIUS command. He prepared a council with directionship of a Babylonian Scientist.
In the calendar of Ancient Persia, the first and fifteenth day of month were off and in general just 36 days were off during the year, 5 days for religious holiday and 31 days for Statutory holiday.
There were two important holidays, the first one was "Nouruz Holiday" (the new year celebration at the first of Spring) and the other one was "Death of SIAVASH".

8. Darius the great established World's first "Military Bases" and "Military Services" and according to that, all young men even the King and Minister's sons had to go to military and learned military skills in order to defend the PARS territory.

9. Darius the great established the World's first "Ministry of Roads and Transportation", "Ministry of Water", "Ministry of Development and Housing", and the "Ministry of Post"
in Persia probably 2,500 years ago.

10. Darius the great built the PERSEPOLIS Palace that was "World's Art Exhibition" and used 25,000 construction workers, working 10 hours in summer and 8 hours in winter.
The government gave one Gold coin to each architect every 5 days and also gave 250 grams Meat, Oil, Butter, Honey and Cheese to each worker's family in addition to their salary.

11. The Persians were the first people of the World who discovered "COPPER".

12. The Persians were the first humans that Tamed horses and gave to the World as a Gift.

13. As a matter of fact, Persians were the first people who trained some animals as Pet. Unfortunately some people have been thought that, it was the West's innovation.
According to a lot of proofs, the Persian Cat was the Ancient Persians favorite pet.

14. "Fire" was discovered by Persians.

15. The first humans who started Planting and Farming (Agriculture) were Persians.

16. Persians were the first humans who started to "Spin Wool" and invented "Thread".

17. The first people who started to print images and shapes on their clothes were Persians.

18. One of the Persians inventions that has startled everyone in every place of the world and also it's used by almost all people of world is "PANTS".
Yes it's right..."Pants" was invented by Persians with a little differences to contemporary "Pants". The first invented pants was loose in it's legs and became thin in toes.

19. The first people who used "Perfume" to became aromatic were Persians.

20. The first kind of "Alphabetic Letters" invented by Persians where lived in the South of Persia (North of the PERSIAN GULF) 7,000 years ago.

21. The first people who innovated "Glass" and used it to decorate their houses were Persians.

22. The first people who discovered "Coal" and used it's energy to do metal fusion or to warm their houses were Persians.

23. Persians were the first people who invented "Object Measurer" and started to scale Weigh, Distance and other things.

24. The "Earth Circularity" found out by "Aborayhan Birouni", one of the greatest Persian Astronomers and Scientists.

25. The World's first "Art and Industrial School" established by Cyrus the great in the "Shoosh", was to teach art and technical works to teenagers and youths.

26. Darius the great seized "Babylon" and after that freed 25,000 Jewish slaves that were enslaved and also were on the rack and tormented by the governor of Babylon.

Edited by Prof. Samin Roshani

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