Sunday, February 10, 2008

Shame on 300

Pay attention! I want to tell you my intent
They want to erase my identity
The history of the land of the ARYANS
Is screaming until we come to it
So now is the time for you to hear
IRAN is my land
The country which after 7,000 years is still standing
And the heart of IRANIANS are still like a sea
Hear this, my fellow IRANIANS, from a Persian
I stand like an Achaemenian Soldier for my land
Hold IRAN like a gem in your hand, and say
My complaint will burst out like a shot
Let's stand together and sing our anthem
My sisters, my brothers, my fellow IRANIANS
IRAN's civilization is in danger
All of us are soldiers beneath our flag
We won't let anyone spread lies about us
For us, IRANIANS, it is our calling
That we wear the symbol of "FARVAHAR" around our necks
Our unity against enemies is the cause of their distress
IRAN's name for us is an honor
And our respect for her is like a thorn in eye for those
Who want to injure her.

You want to say:
That we came from generation of Barbarians?
So take a look then to Persepolis [Takhte Jamshid]!
It's West civilization that came from Wild & Sexy Cultures.
You're showing IRAN's name in vein
So your name could be written big on a cover of a DVD?
I'm writing down your intentions in my book
I know why you made this film, "300"
I know that your heart is made of stone and lead
In this sensitive air and bad atmosphere
You want to start fishing in dirty waters [Profiting]
But this I tell you in its original language
IRAN will never be spoiled and surrendered
GOD has given you two eyes to see!
Take a look and read the books written by:
Saadi and Avesena, Ferdowsi, Khayyam or Mevlana Rumi
Always throughout history we were the start [on top]
But now Persians can't sit down quietly
Let IRAN's name be marred by a few tricksters
I'll shred your intentions with the "Razor of faith"
WHO are YOU, to speak about the history of IRAN?

It was Cyrus the great that started the peace
Freed the Jewish from the grip of Babylon
Cyrus the great wrote the first BILL OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
That is why I carry my esteem and great pride
For my IRAN, the history of my land
For the earth of this land which my body is from
Wherever of this world you live my fellow IRANIANS
And till your blood flows through you
Don't allow yourself to be satisfied
That anyone can fool around with your heritage
The history of IRAN is my identity
IRAN! Protecting you and your name is my best intent.

Like the thirst of a seed [wheat] for water
Like the dampness of rain, the smell of earth
Like you, pure eyes, like the feeling of its earth, for you
My land! singing for you is in my heart
Singing of my land, is my feeling
My love, the earth of this land, IRAN.

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